Half of Unit 6 at Deans Factory Estate, in Lambs Lane North, was wrecked in the 2022 blaze- requiring 70 firefighters to put it out.
Applicant KMDS Designs has now submitted a planning application to replace the unit with a taller one.
At the time of the fire, the building was one-storey, but the proposed replacement is two storeys.
According to the application form, what was left of the building was demolished in 2023 due to it being a “safety hazard”.
Its future tenant is “as yet unknown”.
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If the proposal is approved, works are expected to start by July this year.
Deans Factory Estate is home to 12 industrial units in total.
After Unit 6 set alight in December 2022, 70 firefighters and 10 fire engines were called to the scene.
It took fire crews almost two hours to put the blaze out.
The London Fire Brigade said the fire is “believed to have been accidental” and caused by the failure of an electrical safety device in an oven.