The data includes progress scores, which measure how much students improved from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4 and the percentage of students who achieved above a Grade 5 in English and Maths.
A Grade 5 is roughly equivalent to a high C or low B under the old grading system.
These progress scores help identify schools where students performed better than the national average.
Below, we’ve listed Sutton’s secondary schools, their progress scores, and the percentage of students who achieved above a Grade 5 in English and Maths. Special schools are not included.
A school’s progress category or percentage doesn’t always reflect its overall quality, as factors like selectivity, student numbers, and intake ability can all have an impact.
For example, Sutton Grammar School ranked the highest, but it’s a selective school where students are admitted based on academic ability.
This means they are already high achievers, which can lead to better progress scores and GCSE results.
In contrast, non-selective schools have students with a wider range of abilities, which can affect their progress scores differently.