A legal notice posted on the pub’s entrance confirms that the lease has been terminated and that the landlord’s agents have taken possession of the premises.
The document, issued by property enforcement firm Penham Excel Ltd, warns that any unauthorised attempts to enter the building could result in legal action. It was signed on March 14.
Despite this, the management of The Shelverdine Goathouse, part of Antic’s collection of South London pubs, has assured customers they are working to resolve the situation and hope to reopen.
In a statement posted on social media, the team said: “We’re afraid that we have had to close temporarily due to landlord’s action this morning, but we’re doing everything that we can to resolve matters quickly so that we can continue our service to the community.”
For now, they have encouraged patrons to visit The Goldsmiths Arms in Penge, another Antic venue.
Located on High Street, The Shelverdine Goathouse has been a well-loved community fixture since 2016, known for its cosy atmosphere and selection of craft beer, real ale, and wine.
Under the Torts Act 1977, former tenants have been given 14 days to collect any remaining belongings before they are removed and potentially sold.
We have approached the The Shelverdine Goathouse for further comment.