Schools have been ranked based on factors such as percentage of pupils staying in education or entering employment and progress made between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 compared to national averages.
We have not included special schools in this list.
Redbridge’s top performing secondary school was Seven Kings School, in Ley Street. Seven Kings scored 1.12, which is “well above average” on the the Progress 8 indicator.
According to the report, the Progress 8 score shows how much progress pupils at a school made between the end of Key Stage 2 and the end of Key Stage 4, compared to pupils across England who got similar results at the end of Key Stage 2.
Out of the 20 government-funded secondary schools in Redbridge with available data, 16 received Progress 8 scores that were above the national average. Among these 16, ten were deemed “well above average”.
A total of 83 per cent of students at Seven Kings School achieved grades 5 or above in English and Maths GCSEs and 97pc of students who left in 2022 either stayed in education or entered employment after Key Stage 4.
Loxford School in Loxford Lane was ranked second with a Progress 8 score of 1.08 and a total of 70.4 per cent of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in English and maths GCSEs.
Ilford County High School placed fifth in the overall rankings and registered the highest percentage of students staying in education or entering employment with 99pc.
It also registered the highest percentage of students who achieved grades 5 or above in English and maths GCSEs with 99.4pc.
At the other end of the spectrum, Caterham High School was the lowest ranked government-funded secondary school in Redbridge.
It registered a “well below average” Progress 8 score of minus 0.31 and a total of 31.9pc of students achieving grades 5 or better in English and maths GCSEs.
Caterham High School is the only government-funded school with available data that registered a below average Progress 8 score in Redbridge.
Top five secondary schools in Redbridge with the highest Progress 8 scores
- Seven Kings School – 1.12, “well above average”
- Loxford School – 1.08, “well above average”
- Valentines High School – 0.91, “well above average”
- Ark Isaac Newton Academy – 0.91, “well above average”
- Ilford County High School – 0.87, “well above average”
The five secondary schools in Redbridge with the lowest Progress 8 scores
- Caterham High School – -0.31, “well below average”
- Mayfield School – 0, “average”
- New Rush Hall School – 0.06, “average”
- Forest Academy – 0.08, “average”
- Trinity Catholic High School – 0.25, “above average”