A dispersal order will be in place this weekend centred in the Epsom Town Centre, by the Ashley Centre, Epsom High Street, and the Clocktower.
This will be in effect until 6pm tomorrow (March 16).
The order has been granted following recent anti-social behaviour in the town.
This order means that officers can direct anyone who they reasonably believe is committed or engaged in anti-social behaviour to leave the area.
Failing to do so will result in being arrested.
A dispersal order was also in place last weekend, and a 17-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker and not giving his details under Section 50 of the dispersal order.
Borough Commander for Epsom, Inspector Tommy Pearson said: “We want the local community to be able to enjoy visiting the town and feel safe when doing so.
“This order helps police ensure those expectations are met.
“Those who visit Epsom to commit ASB will be dealt with robustly.”