The education watchdog visited Noel Park Primary School, in on February 4 and 5 to check it was still worthy of the ‘outstanding’ rating it received at its last full inspection in 2019.
Although Ofsted no longer issues single-word ratings, inspectors said the school, part of multi-academy trust Lift Schools, has taken effective action to maintain standards.
The report, published on March 11, said pupils “thrive” and behaviour was “exemplary”.
Inspectors said staff have the “highest expectations” of all pupils, who in turn enjoy learning and take great pride in the high-quality work they produce.Pupils at Noel Park Primary School enjoy learning and take pride in their work said Ofsted (Image: Noel Park Primary School)
The report said: “From the Nursery onwards, all pupils discover a world of possibilities and opportunities.
“For example, a termly careers week introduces pupils to the future world of work. Pupils talk enthusiastically about their conversations with an architect, fashion designer and film director.”
Alongside trips to Westminster Abbey and the Natural History Museum, inspectors were also impressed that the school council collects donations for a local food bank and its eco-council picks litter in nearby parks.
The report said children are taught from a “highly ambitious” and well-sequenced curriculum, which in some cases “exceeds what is expected nationally”.
In it, pupils build an understanding of the past including Greek and Roman history, and a scientific appreciation of how plants grow and evolve.
Extra curricular activities such as Japanese, street dance and ballet were also praised.
The report said children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are “exceptionally well supported” and there is an in-house speech and language therapist.
Ofsted also praised “high expectations” for behaviour, with personal development “at the heart of the school”, and teachers “rightly proud” to work there.
School principal Tamsin Brown said she was “exceptionally proud” of the whole school community.
She added: “This is a brilliant report to read about our school. I am delighted that Ofsted found our pupils to be calm and polite, that they are “highly focused” and enjoy learning, and that my brilliant team of teachers are recognised as experts in their subject areas. We are all really proud to work here.”
David Atter, regional education director for Lift Schools, said it was “a fantastic achievement by everyone”.
The school, in Gladstone Avenue, Wood Green, has 620 pupils aged from three to 11.