Schools have been ranked based on factors such as percentage of pupils staying in education or entering employment and progress made between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 compared to national averages.
We have not included special schools in this list.
Newham’s top performing secondary school out of those with available data was Forest Gate Community School in Forest Lane.
The school scored 1.05, which is “well above average” on the the Progress 8 indicator.
According to the report, the Progress 8 score shows how much progress pupils at a school made between the end of Key Stage 2 and the end of Key Stage 4, compared to pupils across England who got similar results at the end of Key Stage 2.
A total of 71.2 per cent of pupils achieved a grade 5 or higher in their English and maths GCSEs at Forest Gate – the second highest rate in the borough.
The highest percentage of grade 5s and above in English and maths GCSEs went to Brampton Manor Academy in Roman Road, East Ham with 72.6pc.
Brampton Manor’s Progress 8 score was 0.59 which is “well above average” but below the top three schools which saw it place fourth in the overall rankings.
Plashet School in East Ham was ranked second with a Progress 8 score of 0.87 and 67.4pc of pupils achieving grades 5 or above in English and maths GCSEs.
Cumberland Community School in Forest Gate was the third ranked school with a score of 0.72 in Progress 8.
Out of the 22 government-funded primary schools in Newham with available data, nine registered Progress 8 scores above average including six “well above average”.
At the other end of the spectrum, Oasis Academy Silvertown was placed at the bottom of the rankings with a Progress 8 score of -0.78, which is “well below average”.
The school with the lowest percentage of students achieving grades 5 or above in GCSE English and maths was Eastlea Community School, in Canning Town, with 32.2pc.
Top five secondary schools in Newham with the highest Progress 8 scores
- Forest Gate Community School – 1.05, “well above average”
- Plashet School – 0.87, “well above average”
- Cumberland Community School – 0.72, “well above average”
- Brampton Manor Academy – 0.59, “well above average”
- Stratford School Academy – 0.58, “well above average”
The five secondary schools in Newham with the lowest Progress 8 scores
- Oasis Academy Silvertown – -0.78, “well above average”
- Royal Docks Academy – -0.41, “below average”
- London Design and Engineering UTC – -0.38, “below average”
- Bobby Moore Academy – -0.37, “below average”
- Lister Community School – -0.31, “below average”