Crossbench peer Lord Russell explained the legislative process of the House of Lords and importance of “holding the government to account” at Highgate’s La Sainte Union Secondary.
The Upper House contributes to national governance through its committee work with its law-making and critical overseeing functions, he told them.
But eager sixth form students doing A-level politics put probing questions to Lord Russell in a 45-minute Q&A session.
The students, learning how bills turn into Acts of Parliament to become law, tuned into his “passion for environmental issues and social and civic duties”.
Headteacher Sophie Fegan said afterwards: “Lord Russell’s visit has provided them with a perspective on the workings of the government, enriching their understanding of politics and civic responsibility.”
Lord Russell, the great-grandson of Stanley Baldwin, who was Tory prime minister three times in the 1920s and 30s, visited La Sante Union as part of a ‘Learn with the Lords’ educational resource programme for schools.
The programme fosters better understanding of Britain’s political system for the next generation of voters.