Islington Council’s planning committee has given the green light to plans to partially demolish, reclad, and refurbish The Pentagon at 48 Chiswell Street, on the corner of Whitecross Street, with a two-storey roof extension and a new retail unit on the ground floor.
Residents had objected to the proposals, citing concerns about reduced light for neighbouring properties, particularly those in the Whitbread Estate.
The meeting on March 3 was the third time the committee had considered the application, having previously deferred a decision.
The applicant’s report found that the proposed development would exceed guidelines for daylight and sunlight loss for several rooms.
Planning committee chairman Cllr Martin Klute said: “The daylight and sunlight aspects of it have been well discussed in the report. I think at this point this is a fairly straightforward proposition.”
The applicant also argued that the increase in height was justified because they were retaining 75 per cent of the existing structure, and Cllr Klute said he was pleased that the two extra floors had been reshaped.
The applicant did not confirm whether they intended to use an area set back on the Whitecross Street elevation as a terrace, but Cllr Klute thought this would be problematic and proposed using a condition to to restrict access to the area.
The applicant also proposed to make a financial contribution of £2,937,500. to the council’s affordable workspace scheme instead of providing affordable workspace in the new building.