That familiar tickle at the back of the throat means a season of coughs, sneezes and red puffy eyes is on the cards for around one in four hay fever sufferers – around 16 million people.
Worse still, almost half (46%) of the UK population experiencing hay fever symptoms said it affected their concentration and almost two-thirds (64%) saying it negatively affects their lives including poor sleep, fatigue and decreased cognitive function.
Now, a leading pharmacist from Well Pharmacy – the UK’s biggest independent pharmacy chain – has shared his advice to help sufferers ease their symptoms this allergy season.
Hay fever is an inflammation of the nasal lining caused by an allergic reaction to allergens which are in the air including pollen, pet dander, mold and insects can lead to hay fever symptoms.
Symptoms of hay fever include sneezing, a runny nose and itchy eyes although it is advised to avoid itching the eye area as this increases the need to be scratched.
George Sandhu, deputy superintendent pharmacist for Well, has revealed his key advice to help hay fever sufferers combat the coughs and sneezes.
And, the simple trick is to prepare the body to brave the pollen early, and that means taking up your antihistamines one to two weeks before hay fever will begin to affect some patients this month.
Taking medication when pollen levels are low allows a patient’s body to build up stronger resistance before pollen levels increase from March until September.
Patients unsure of the best course of action in tackling hay fever are advised to pop into their local Well Pharmacy store to discuss symptoms and treatments with a pharmacist.
There are several pieces of advice that the NHS recommends which allow for hay fever sufferers to deal with their symptoms.
- Place petroleum jelly around your nostrils to trap pollen
- Wear wraparound sunglasses, a mask or a wide-brimmed hat to stop pollen getting into your nose and eyes
- Shower and change your clothes after you have been outside to wash pollen off
- Keep windows and doors shut as much as possible
- Vacuum regularly and dust with a damp cloth to clear up dust
- Use a pollen filter in the air vents of your car, if you have one, and a HEPA filter in your vacuum cleaner
To avoid triggering hay fever symptoms the NHS also recommends avoiding the following during hay fever season.
- Do not cut the grass
- Don’t spend too much time outside
- Do not keep fresh flowers in the house
- Do not smoke
- Avoid drying clothes outside, the clothing can catch pollen whilst hanging outside
- Wipe down your pet after they have been outside as pollen can catch onto their fur
George Sandhu, deputy superintendent pharmacist for Well, said: “While the start of spring is a delight for most Brits, millions will dread what is to come.
“That’s why we’re urging all sufferers to get ahead of hay fever season and start taking their antihistamines early.
“If patients begin to take antihistamines one to two weeks before hay fever starts, there is a real likelihood they will see significantly reduced symptoms come the beginning of summer.
“Well Pharmacy offers a substantial range of hay fever products designed to suit patients regardless of age or requirements.”