Councillor Jane Keane quizzed cabinet member for environment Cllr Barry Mugglestone on improving the safety of roads surrounding Hylands Primary School at a meeting on Wednesday (January 15).
It comes after a petition was set up by Ronnie Anderson, a year six pupil at Hylands.
Ronnie’s demand for change was sparked by a reception pupil being struck by a car in Globe Road back in November 2024.
Cllr Keane asked whether arrangements would be made for the “enhanced attendance of traffic enforcement officers to be implemented to the roads surrounding Hylands School including Globe Road, Grange Road and Francombe Gardens”.
According to her question, this would be with the “purpose of deterring inconsiderate, and in many cases dangerous, parking and thus reducing the increasing risk of accidents and personal injury”.
Cllr Mugglestone revealed that Globe Road had four patrols and zero penalties given in December last year whilst Granger Way had nine patrols and four penalties issued in the same month.
“Officers will continue to patrol these locations more regularly through January 2025 subject to staff resources,” Cllr Mugglestone said.
“It is, of course, the responsibility of drivers to follow the parking restrictions that are in place and behave responsibly.”
Cllr Keane then said that traffic enforcement officers have said that the enforcement of dangerous parking is a police matter, therefore asking Cllr Mugglestone how many meetings he has had with the borough commander on this issue.
Cllr Mugglestone explained that he does not hold meetings with the borough commander but does with Supt Sam Hutchinson.