Harold Wood Primary School in Recreation Avenue was inspected in November with the findings being made public on January 14.
The school was rated ‘good’ in 2019 and according to the recent inspection, has maintained its standards since.
Harold Wood Primary caters for children aged 4 to 11 and was described in the report as a “happy and welcoming school” where “staff take the time to greet pupils warmly each morning.”
The report praised the behaviour and inclusivity of pupils.
It said: “Pupils’ behaviour across the school is impeccable. This starts from the early years, where children learn to share and make good choices.
“Playtimes are busy but pupils play together harmoniously. Pupils make sure that they actively involve others in their play.
“Pupils celebrate faiths and cultures that may be different to their own. They learn the importance of treating everyone equally.”
The report also noted the importance placed on reading at the school.
Inspectors found a strong focus on teaching phonetic sounds in Reception which “helps develop pupils’ confidence in reading”.
“Pupils are very keen to talk about the books they have read, which feature characters from a range of diverse backgrounds,” inspectors said.
Ofsted also found that the school encourages pupils to explore and express their feelings.
“Pupils learn how to manage their feelings. This starts in the early years, where pupils learn the language they need to express how they feel.”
The school puts effort into developing pupils as good people, according to the report.
“The school provides well for pupils’ wider development. The school aims for pupils to be respectful, kind citizens.
“Pupils are proud to be pupil librarians, school councillors and sports crew members. These experiences give pupils a sense of responsibility and pride in contributing to the school and wider community.”
Inspectors also noted the “wide range” of clubs available for pupils.
Stuart Fryd, headteacher at Harold Wood Primary, was happy with Ofsted’s assessment.
He said: “We are very pleased with the Ofsted report which recognised the impeccable behaviour of the children who play harmoniously at our happy and welcoming school.
“It was lovely that they recognised how hard the children work in class and how quality books and reading is central to the whole school from the minute a child joins.
“We were also pleased to read that Ofsted recognised the wide range of clubs on offer for children and the opportunities they get through our broad and balanced curriculum.
“The staff look forward to working hard and continuing to make improvements to ensure that children’s experiences and outcomes at Harold Wood Primary School are the best they can be.”