Maureen Harris, who lives in Balgores Lane, had to take her cat Jasper for emergency treatment at the vets on December 28 after he “appeared to have ingested poison”.
Three weeks later, ten-month-old kitten Ham was rushed to the vets displaying the same symptoms – and died in the early hours of the morning on January 21.
Maureen said: “Over Christmas one of my cats became very ill and required urgent veterinary care.
“He survived but the vet stated that he had been poisoned.
“[On January 20] another of my cats was displaying similar symptoms.
“We took him immediately to the vets but unfortunately he died within hours.”
The Recorder has seen the vet reports from Vets4Pets, in Rom Valley Way, which show that Jasper was “howling in pain” when he was brought in, and upon examination the vet found that he had “tremors” and “very neurological” symptoms.
Ham’s report showed that he had “similar symptoms”, with “facial twitching” and “seizures”.
For Jasper, the vet concluded that this was due to “intoxication” and for Ham “possible intoxication”.
Jasper has since made a recovery and is back to his “normal self”, according to Maureen, but she is now scared to let him outside.
Maureen said she believes poison was put down for other animals in the area, as “two foxes were found dead” at a similar time in Gidea Park, with one “found dead at the bottom of a garden three doors away from our house”.
She told the Recorder: “It’s a criminal offence – we hope to catch the perpetrator.
“You’re killing our animals. Stop doing this.”
Romford MP Andrew Rosindell is set to table a series of written questions in Parliament, asking what more can be done to raise awareness and prevent the harming of animals.
He told the Recorder: “I am deeply saddened and appalled by the recent reports of animal poisoning incidents in Gidea Park.
“Such acts are not only heartbreaking for families who have lost beloved pets but are also serious criminal offences under UK law.
“I encourage residents to remain vigilant and help spread the message that the poisoning of animals—whether intentional or otherwise—is unacceptable and carries severe penalties.”
Signs of poisoning in pets can include vomiting, seeming sleepy, appearing drunk, seizures and having difficulty breathing.
The RSPCA advises pet owners who suspect their animals have been poisoned to stay calm, remove their pet from the source of poison, and take them to their vets immediately.
A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police said officers had spoken to the owner of the cats but that there are no further leads into the circumstances around these incidents at this time.
Havering Council’s environmental team, who were also informed of the incident, said there was not enough evidence to investigate further, but added that they were “saddened to hear that a resident’s pet cat has died”.