The existing house at 127 Pollards Hill South will be replaced by a two-storey, four-bedroom detached house with accommodation in the roof.
The plans also include landscaping, cycle and refuse storage, and an outbuilding in the rear garden.
The project is seen as a way to boost housing availability while modernising local infrastructure.
The proposal was one of several planning applications validated by Croydon Council between February 24 and March 3.
Other notable projects included the enlargement of a rear dormer and alterations to an outbuilding to be used as a granny annex at 203 Norbury Avenue, Thornton Heath.
An old 13-storey residential tower at Regina Road, South Norwood, is also set for demolition, with amendments made to the methodology and associated tree protection details.
Whitgift School in South Croydon is progressing with plans to demolish estate workshops and a recycling depot, replacing them with a new gated estate department compound.
The school has submitted the necessary ecological surveys and a construction environmental management plan for approval.
In Croydon’s High Street, two internally illuminated aluminium box signs and one double-sided projecting sign are set to be installed at 19-21.
Additionally, Crystal Palace Football Club has discharged condition 3 (Demolition Environmental Management Plan) related to its stadium expansion, which includes additional seating, a new retail/restaurant unit, a fan plaza, and accessible seating within the Whitehorse Lane stand.
In South Norwood, the demolition of existing garages at 73A and 73B Woodside Green will make way for a replacement two-storey, four-bedroom dwelling house with off-street parking.
On Holmesdale Road, South Norwood, a single-storey rear extension is planned for 238, projecting out six metres.
In Croydon, a hip-to-gable roof extension is planned for 47 Oak Avenue, including the insertion of two roof lights to the front roof slope and three roof lights to the rear roof slope.
A group of trees at 9B Canning Road, Croydon, is set for removal, including five ash trees and the reduction of one oak tree.
In South Croydon, a Blue Atlas cedar at 12 Abercorn Close is scheduled for trimming, with low branches on the house side being removed to balance the crown.
Several sycamore trees at Commonweal Lodge, 11 Woodcote Lane, Purley, are also set for reduction and removal.
A digital LED display is planned for installation on the pavement outside 156 London Road, Croydon.
A hip-to-gable and rear dormer, with provision for two additional roof lights in the front roof slope, is planned for 126 Gravel Hill, Croydon.
A ‘Pulse Smart Hub’ with integrated digital screens is set for installation on the pavement outside Gary Court, 193B London Road, Croydon.
A new detached garage is also planned for 30 Northampton Road, Croydon.
A single-storey rear extension is planned for 885 Brighton Road, Purley.
Woodside Baptist Church, South Norwood, is set for a change of use, with the single-storey community hall being transformed into a ‘work and community hub’.
A single-storey rear extension is also planned for 254 Limpsfield Road, South Croydon, projecting eight metres from the rear wall of the original house.
The height of the boundary fence at 384 Purley Way, Croydon, is set for an increase by 26cm, with the erection of automatic sliding entrance gates and timber fence infill above the boundary wall.
A single-storey side and rear extension is planned for 10 Daisy Close, Croydon, following the demolition of the front boundary wall.
A change of use from a C3 dwelling house to a C2 residential care home for two children with live-in staff is planned for 14 Somerton Close, Purley.
All windows and the back door to the basement flat at 240 Sydenham Road, Croydon, are set for replacement with double-glazed UPVC.
A single-storey rear extension is also planned for 47 Addington Road, Croydon.