It has secured £70,000 from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) to assess its green belt areas according to the latest government guidelines.
The council says this will ensure the protection of open spaces while identifying areas that may meet the criteria for the newly defined grey belt.
Grey belt land is defined as land in the green belt which is previously developed or make a limited contribution to the green belt.
The review will be a key part of the council’s Local Plan, helping to inform land use and development decisions.
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The funding will enable the council to hire expert consultants, possibly in collaboration with neighbouring authorities, to evaluate the green belt land.
This assessment will determine which areas are most valuable for conservation and which may be suitable for development under the government’s grey belt classification.
Councillor Gareth Barrett, chair of the assets, projects, and strategy committee at Brentwood Borough Council, said: “This funding represents an important step in ensuring that our Local Plan is based on clear and well-researched evidence.
“Protecting our most valuable green belt areas remains a priority, and this review will provide the necessary insights to guide sustainable development in the right locations.”
Brentwood is among several south Essex authorities that expressed interest in green belt review funding.