The Bank Chambers building, located at 70 Pier Road, is earmarked for retention and refurbishment, while a new building is set to be erected to provide residential and commercial spaces.
The plans, submitted by the London Borough of Bexley’s Regeneration and Assets Team, aim to transform the area, providing a mix of residential and commercial units.
The revised proposal includes the creation of ten residential units and three commercial units.
The development will also feature associated cycle parking, car parking, landscaping, access routes, and highway alterations.
Plant and utility installations, along with other ancillary works related to the development, are also part of the plan.
The application, classified as a major development, was filed by the London Borough of Bexley Regeneration and Assets Team and is currently being reviewed by Bexley Council.
The public is invited to view the application and provide any observations or comments by 9th April 2025.
The planning application can be viewed online on the Bexley Council’s website under reference 24/01667/FULM.
The Council’s Head of Development Management, Richard Turek, has assured that any responses to the notice will be made available for public inspection, in accordance with the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1995.
Meanwhile, in Sidcup, another planning application has been submitted for the erection of a two-storey detached house following the demolition of the existing house at 37 Crescent Road.
The proposal, submitted by Mrs J Ayres, is located within the Christ Church Conservation Area.
The public has been invited to view and comment on the proposal online using reference 25/00429/FUL.
The deadline for representations is also April 9.
Another application was submitted on March 5 for the redevelopment of an existing traveller site at 1-8 McKillop Way, Sidcup.
The application was filed by Mr Michael Cooper of the London Borough of Bexley and involves the demolition of six amenity buildings and the erection of nine new ones.
The proposal also seeks to expand the number of plots from eight to nine.
Owners of the land or tenants wishing to make representations about this application should write to the council within 21 days of the date of the notice.
All planning applications are part of a wider effort by the London Borough of Bexley to revamp areas within its jurisdiction.
The applications aim to strike a balance between preserving historical buildings and meeting the needs of modern-day city living.
These projects are expected to boost the local economy by providing more residential and commercial spaces, thereby increasing the area’s vibrancy and attractiveness.
However, the public has been urged to air their views on these developments to ensure they align with the community’s interests and needs.
All representations will be considered by the council as part of the decision-making process.
The deadline for comments on each proposal is April 9, except for the traveller site redevelopment, which has a 21-day window from March 5.
All written responses should be addressed to Development Management, Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, Kent, DA6 7AT.
The council has reminded the public that planning permission does not affect owners’ rights to retain or dispose of their property unless stated otherwise in an agreement or lease.
Agricultural tenants have also been advised that planning permission for non-agricultural development may affect their security of tenure.
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