Palms Hotel, in Southend Arterial Road, was first issued an enforcement notice by the council last month, alleging it had breached the terms of its planning agreement.
It was linked to an approved proposal to build an extension to the hotel as part of a refurbishment, said to cost millions of pounds.
According to the council, conditions surrounding the extension have been breached.
The hotel has now been served with a temporary stop notice, preventing it from undertaking more work on an extension and even from bringing building materials onto the site.
The latest document was served to the luxury venue on March 21.
It says: “The council considers that there has been a breach of planning control on the land described.”
The council’s notice says the hotel has breached planning rules by operating development on the site, including engineering operations, the removal of green vegetation and the laying of hard surfacing without permission.
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The council also says the construction of the extensions has been happening without discharging conditions of the previous application.
The council previously found issue with the hotel’s failure to comply with a condition ordering that “no above ground works shall take place” prior to the council approving a landscaping and planting scheme.
Havering Council described the information about landscaping accompanying the approved plans as “insufficient” to allow them to “judge the appropriateness” of it.
The temporary stop notice has ordered the hotel to stop any development on its site including the new extension, as well as “the removal of green vegetation, the laying of hard surfacing, the importation of any hard core, aggregates or construction materials or the formation of any roads”.
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It has also banned the delivery or transportation of building materials including rubble, gravel, aggregates or “any other materials which would assist in unauthorised activities” on the hotel’s grounds.
We approached The Palms Hotel for a statement in response to the latest notice.
Suresh Konduru, one of the hotel’s directors, said: “Our architects are in contact with the Oofficer from the council and he will be submitting the response soon (to) discuss these matters further.”