On March 3, students across the borough received their offers for a secondary school place.
The council said that more students received one of their preferred secondary school places compared to last year.
The number of pupils who received one of their first three preferred schools remains high at 91 per cent, slightly above the figure from last year, as well as slightly above London’s average of 90 per cent.
There was also an increase of one per cent from last year of pupils receiving their second choice of school.
This year, there was a total of 4,422 on-time applications for Croydon applicants, all made online.
Online applicants can log on to their eAdmissions account to see their offer, and parents and carers will have until Monday, March 17 to accept or decline their offer via their eAdmissions account.
Where Croydon Council is not able to make an offer at a preferred school, an offer is made at an alternative school, keeping the new school offered as close as possible to the student’s home address.
Jason Perry, executive mayor of Croydon, said: “We are delighted to see the high number of our students getting one of their preferred choices of schools again this year.
“We have one of the largest populations of children and young people under 19 in London, and receive a large number of applications each year.
“We always make sure that every eligible student who applies is offered a secondary school place in the borough.
“I wish our students and their families all the best as they continue their exciting journey into secondary school this September.”