The data rates schools based on factors such as average A-level grades, the percentage of students achieving grades AAB or higher and the progress made by pupils between key stage 4 and A-levels.
Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School in St. Mary’s Lane, Upminster recorded a ‘Progress Score’ of 0.11.
Despite this being the highest progress score in Havering, it was labelled as “average” in the report.
The report describes the progress score as an explanation of how much progress students who studied A=levels at this school or college made between the end of key stage 4 and the end of their A=level studies, compared to similar students across England.
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A total of 19.2 per cent of A-level students at Sacred Heart of Mary’s achieved grades AAB or higher in the most recent exams whilst the average grade achieved was B- and the average points achieved was 36.86.
Points are given as an equivalent to grades, which according to the report, allow for ease of comparison between qualifications of a different size and grading system.
The second highest ranked sixth form for progression in the borough was Drapers’ Academy in Settle Road, Harold Hill also with an “average” score of -0.11.
Despite ranking third, with a “below average” progress score of -0.15, The Coopers’ Company and Coborn School in Upminster had some of the highest average grades.
They matched Sacred Heart of Mary’s average grade of B- and registered an average points of 37.25 – the highest on the list.
At the other end of the rankings, St Edward’s Church of England Academy in London Road, Romford registered a “below average” progress score of -0.55.
The school recorded an average grade of D+ and average points of 22.38 – the lowest in the list – whilst no pupils achieved grades AAB or higher here according to the report.
The Department for Education said students included in the data will have experienced some disruption due to Covid-19 earlier in their schooling, which will have affected individual students, schools and colleges differently.
Havering’s sixth forms ranked on 2024 progress score (progress from key stage 4 to A-levels)
- Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School – 0.11, “average”
- Drapers’ Academy, – -0.11, “average”
- The Coopers’ Company and Coborn School – -0.15, “below average”
- The Campion School – -0.17, “below average”
- The Frances Bardsley Academy for Girls – -0.2, “below average”
- St Edward’s Church of England Academy – -0.55, “below average”
No data was available for Harris Rainham Sixth Form.