Plans were put forward on January 1 to demolish B&K Builders Merchants in Ilford Lane and replace it with a three-storey mixed use building, containing nine residential flats and five commercial units.
The plans were submitted by Mr H Kahlob of B&K Builders Merchants, which is the building that currently resides at 410 Ilford Lane.
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The plans propose for the new building to house nine homes with three three-bedroom units, two two-bedroom units and four one-bedroom units on the first floor.
The ground floor will have space for five separate shop units.
The application also includes plans for associated car parking, storage for bicycles, landscaping and amenity space.
A design and access statement supporting the application said: “The proposed building forms an L-shape that wraps around the T-junction of Norman Road and Ilford Lane.
“The surrounding buildings are mostly brick finished but display a range of different brick colours and architectural styles. In the context of the surrounding area, the proposed design has been appropriately articulated to add visual interest to the streetscene.
“The proposal would preserve the character and appearance of the area.”