38 Degrees say those who sign up will have a “powerful say in shaping our plans to keep our NHS off the negotiating table”
More than 138,000 people have signed up to a campaign to ‘defend the NHS’ from Donald Trump’s ‘trade wars’. These people have signed a hand-raiser petition with campaign group 38 Degrees which is pushing to keep the NHS out of trade agreements.
According to 38 Degrees, by signing up to the campaign, people will have a say in shaping the group’s plans to protect the NHS from trade negotiations. The group also says that those who sign up will be the ‘first to hear about ways you can support our NHS’.
This all comes Trump has made changes to trade policy a central plank of his administration, with tariffs being slapped on imports from a number of countries.
During the first Trump presidency from 2016-2020, the prospects of elements of the NHS being included in a UK-US trade deal were heavily discussed. During that period, over 300,000 people signed a petition calling for the NHS to be excluded from any trade deals.
Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward
Image credit: Gage Skidmore – Creative Commons
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